Wednesday, February 24, 2010


No luck on the house front yet. I swear to fsm, if one more investor from NSW/VIC outbids me on a house, I'm going to go fucking postal on those states. Stop buying all our affordable housing, you greedy bastards!!

My assistant, who I happen to think is fantastic (and yes, that is a rarity for me - I hold very few people in high regard), has a very annoying habit. And I don't know how to approach her about it. Perseus, if you're reading, this post has a TMI warning - look away now!

She goes to the bathroom every morning, and doesn't utilise the toilet brush, if you get my meaning. How on earth do I approach her about it? I mean, we're sort of friends, but I don't think I could even approach a friend about that sort of thing without a lot of embarrassment, let alone someone I have to work with!


In other news, I am entirely not surprised this happened. Bus travel was how I went up the west coast from Santiago to Mexico, and I frequently had a seat up the top at the front (double decker buses). The amount of times I thought we were going to crash with an oncoming truck was at least a dozen. The problem is that the Panamerican is single lane in a lot of places, and when a bus on a schedule gets caught behind a slow moving vehicle, it thinks it's a good idea to overtake. Even on blind corners. The scenery going past was spectacular, but I remember wondering at the time what the crash rate was. Since leaving South America, there has been a volcanic eruption, floods and mudslides, and various vehicular tragedies - all in places I visited. All I can say is, I'm glad I wasn't there at the time.