Friday, May 2, 2008

I'd take the laxatives

I was listening to Hack (JJJ) a few weeks ago when they had their food special on. I was particularly interested in the section about anoxerics/bulimics. My mother used to be one, and I've often thought I had a predisposistion for it. In high school, I would not eat at school where people could see me. And I don't eat breakfast. So the first thing I'd have to eat all day would be when I got home from school at about 4. Consequently, my stomach shrank and I could never really eat that much. I weighed about 40-45kgs in grade 12 (but I am very short, so I didn't look like a stick or anything). Sometimes I think it would be a good idea to just not eat if I'm feeling particularly fat one day. And then I tell myself that's a stupid thing to think and move on.

Anyway, this is not a "I have a psychological issue" post. I was just wondering about the intelligence of some of these girls who starve themselves and/or vomit up anything they do eat. I mean, obviously they're not all that bright if they're vomitting up stuff in the first place, but when I heard that bulimics also abuse laxatives, I thought the vomiters must have it all wrong.

This will probably sound like I'm trying to make light of a serious condition (I probably am), or condone it (I'm not), but I really think if I was to develop bulimia, I'd want to take the laxative route. I mean, think about it from a purely multi-tasking point of view. When your head's over the toilet for hours a day, you can't really do anything else. You've just wasted a whole bunch of time that you could have been studying, or whatever. Not to mention that you'd get really bad breath, and your teeth start to rot from the acid.

At least if you were taking laxatives, you could study while you're on the loo, write emails/assigments/surf the web on your laptop, read a book, do your nails, play a DS or PSP or whatever. I just think it's the more practical solution for a bulimic. Although my pet hate is books in the bathroom (I refuse to borrow from libraries for this very reason - I'm scared they've been in someone's toilet), so perhaps I couldn't really do it in any event. Still, I think given a choice of vomitting or pooing, I'd rather poo.