Thursday, September 25, 2008

Probably not the best time to be indecisive

I made it 26 years without a filling. Sadly, my record has now been killed on a technicality.

I somehow managed to chip a piece out of the middle of one of my molars, so today I was at the dentist getting it filled. So although it's actually a chip-repair, it's technically a filling, so now I can't say I don't and have never had one anymore. *cries* Now I know why people hate dentists. Fillings aren't fun, what with the injecting, and the drilling, and the cold air making my teeth sensitive, and the what not. Not to mention the fact the left side of my face is still numb 3 hours on.

I have almost picked a replacement. They've both done their testing, and I'm just waiting on a report. I am leaning more towards one than the other, however. The one I'm leaning towards is really interested in this area of the industry, and seems very keen to get the job. She also seems very willing to learn and has appeared to be ready to listen to what I say. The other one, while still very good, had poor references when it came to her attitude, seems very set in her ways, isn't interested in this area of the industry (but is still studying for the industry in general, as is the first girl), and doesn't really seem to want to listen to what I'm saying - she's more interested in making excuses for herself, which irritates me. Still, I think perhaps she might do a more thorough job, so I'm torn. Do I give it to the girl who really, really wants it, but may need a little but more training? Or do I give it to the girl who would probably be able to step right in, but is devoid of personality and has something of an attitude problem?

Decisions, decisions.