Friday, May 9, 2008

Children don't make you happy

Yes! I always knew I was right to dislike children! So there, breeders! Children don't make you happy, and I will not be "fulfilled" if I have one! And no, I will not change my mind eventually, as you all seem to think. Speaking of which, I think that is perhaps one of the most annoying phrases in the history of ever. "Oh, you'll change your mind one day and have children." What, are you a time traveller? Can you see into the future? What makes you think I want to make my life miserable by having children, and what makes you think I'll make the same mistake you did? Some people just don't have children. We won't change our minds. End of story. I resent the implication that I am some stupid young girl who can't see things clearly (ie, your way) and that once I "mature" I will be different. If I don't like kids now, when I'm nearly 26, and I have no maternal instincts whatsoever, what makes you think it's going to change? Sure, if I was 12 or something, you might have a point. But I have never liked kids and I am far too selfish to ever want such a disruption in my life, so stop making incorrect assumptions about my character.

Oops. Got a bit ranty there. I think that was directed at the lady who works at my newsagent, who's always telling me I'll change my mind and have kids one day. And my grandfather who is in town. He's a broken record. I'm fairly certain I've never heard him say anything other than the following 4 things:

- When am I getting my 10 great-grandchildren? You'll have to start soon, you know.
- I'm covering my beer, in case you put custard in it again (apparently I threatened to do so when I was about 4 or so).
- Various disparaging remarks about my intended profession.
- Various disparaging remarks about other ethnic groups.

I swear sometimes that I was adopted. Well, if it weren't for the physical similarities.