Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I am somewhat stressed right now. Out of the 36 people that applied for the job, I was able to find 5 that I wanted to interview. One of them has already gotten a new job, so that left 4. And now I have to interview them. Which is what I am stressed about. I have one tomorrow, two on Thursday and one on Friday. I have only been to 4 interviews myself, and gotten every job I ever applied for, so I haven't really been through that many to know what to do. I've never interviewed anyone before, and I tend to get "stage fright" in front of people I don't know, and become a babbling mess. It's somewhat embarrassing. Particularly if you're trying to display an air of professionalism and competence.

I've written out a set of questions to ask, but I don't really know how to handle it. I also apparently come off as cold and aloof to most people, which I think might put people off actually wanting the job (even though they won't be working with me). Selling this job is also going to be difficult, because the hours are crap, and so are the leave entitlements. I was up front about that in the ad, however, so at least these applicants sort of know what they've applied for. I didn't when I was interviewed for this job. I was only told at the interview stage about the hours and other requirements, and then I felt trapped - like I had to accept it or I wouldn't get the job. But anyway.

I've also done a Facebook/MySpace/Google search on the candidates, and I will just say that if you're job hunting, you should probably turn your profile to private. I am somewhat hesitant with two of the candidates now, given what I read on their profiles. So we shall see if they impress me tomorrow or not.

So, any tips on interviewing people? I just don't want to come across like a bumbling idiot.