Monday, March 31, 2008

Miranda Devine, you're a complete asshat...

I've long thought your unintelligible right-wing ramblings were annoying, but this one just shows how ignorant you really are.

This story (the bottom one about the pregnant man) makes me very angry. Who is she to tell people the photo of the pregnant Thomas Beatie is "repulsive"? Putting aside whether the story is true or not, I actually didn't feel revulsion looking at the photo. I was intrigued. I wondered what implications this had for the world, but in a good way. It made me think, not want to throw up. I disagree that society isn't ready for such a thing. I didn't have any knee-jerk reactions when I first read about Beatie. I simply thought, "Well, that's new." I'm sure many others thought the same thing.

Repulsive? Meh.

And what the fuck is Miranda's point that Thomas has just proven he is still female? It's like she's taking that as some sort of victory for the anti-gay/transgender/etc group, to which she obviously belongs. Who the fuck cares if he is still technically female? If he wants to live as a male, regardless of whether Miranda thinks this is "pretend", then let him. If that's what makes him happy, who are we to step in and say otherwise? And to repeatedly call Thomas "she" throughout the article is just plain disrespectful. Saying that no matter how "hairy or freaky looking" Thomas becomes in transforming into a man, he will never be a man because he doesn't have a Y chromosome, because this "is reserved for males, "an individual of the sex that produces sperm"" just makes me want to punch her. How fucking ignorant and intolerant!

Then there's the part that really makes my blood boil - "by turning her pregnancy into a political act, she invites censure". What the fuck?! How does this invite censure? And for what reason should he be censured? There's absolutely nothing wrong with what Thomas has done. So he's a female-male transsexual who got pregnant (if the story is true). So what? I, for one, honestly do not give a shit. I do, however, care that the SMH let Miranda continue to print this particular brand of intolerant ranting. I really do think I will cheer the day she is knocked down a peg or 1,000.